Roach control
German roaches can be one of the toughest pest challenges that a customer can face. German roaches are usually found in the kitchen area. They are small averaging 1\2 to 5\8 inches long and medium yellowish brown in color.German roaches can be distinguished from other roaches by two dark parallel stripes on anterior dorsal portion of the thorax. Most often, German roaches are transported from one place to another via grocery bags, boxes, packages and friends and neighbors who happen to have them
American roaches are the largest of the house infesting roaches. They are commonly referred to as water bugs or palmetto bugs. American roaches are reddish brown with a yellowish figure 8 pattern on the back of the head. American roaches average between 1.4 to 1.6 inches in length but can exceed 2 inches.While German roaches are most often transported to a home by "hitching a ride" the American roach finds its way inside from outside through cracks and crevices .
Proper identification is very important to get maximum control. Once id has been made then treatment can begin. In the case of American roaches, an exterior inspection of possible entry points and any repair suggestions will be made to the homeowner. At that point an interior inspection and a chemical application can be made to affected areas. German roaches can be a bit more difficult as they tend to migrate to places such as in cabinets, behind the refrigerator, stove and pantry.
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